ULRICH Anti-Limescale Spray 500ml

Ulrich natural limescale remover in spray, 500 ml. For faucets, shower heads, bathtubs, sinks, tiles or glass. Vegan product.

€6,80 €1,36 / 100 ml
ULRICH Anti-Limescale Spray 500ml
Doručenie do druhého dňa
na akúkoľvek adresu
Cez 800 výdajných miest
Cez 800 výdajných miest
po celom Slovensku

Product detailed description

Effective scale remover Ulrich in a spray in a 500ml package

Ulrich natural limescale spray is the perfect household product for removing limescale and water stains on tiles, fittings, shower stalls, bathtubs and sinks. No fragrances were added during production. For this reason, Ulrich's natural limescale spray is ideal for allergy sufferers. The composition of the individual raw material components was determined in close cooperation with the positive list of NCPS (Nature Care Product Standards). The raw materials used in the Ulrich natural limescale spray are easily biodegradable and therefore very environmentally friendly.

  • Ideal for surfaces such as faucets, shower heads, bathtubs, sinks, tiles or glass
  • With an adjustable spray cap for use as a spray
  • It enables the cleaning of large areas
  • Quick and even application to affected areas
  • With lactic acid, which reduces limescale
  • Use of xanthan gum
  • Without palm oil, without perfumes, without dyes, without optical brighteners, without enzymes
  • Vegan product, NCP certified

Use: spray, leave on for a short time, rinse with water or wipe. In case of stubborn dirt, repeat the procedure.

Composition according to EU regulation 648/2004: < 5% non-ionic surfactants

Safety warning

Contains: (2S)-2-hydroxypropanoic acid. Causes serious eye damage.
Keep out of reach of children. Do not breathe dust/fume/gas/mist/vapours/aerosols. Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/safety glasses/face protection. AFTER SWALLOWING: rinse mouth. DO NOT induce vomiting. IF ON SKIN (or hair): Remove all contaminated clothing. Rinse the skin immediately with water or shower. AFTER EYES CONTACT: Rinse carefully with water for several minutes. If you wear contact lenses, remove them if possible. Continue rinsing. Call a doctor immediately.




Účinný odstraňovač vodného kameňa Ulrich v spreji v 500ml balení

Prírodný sprej proti vodnému kameňu Ulrich je dokonalým prípravkom do domácnosti na odstraňovanie vápenatých usadenín a vodných škvŕn na obkladačkách, armatúrach, sprchových kútoch, vaniach a umývadlách. Pri výrobe neboli pridané žiadne vonné látky. Z tohto dôvodu je prírodný sprej Ulrich proti vodnému kameňu ideálny pre alergikov. Zloženie jednotlivých surovinových zložiek bolo stanovené v úzkej súčinnosti s pozitívnym zoznamom NCPS (Nature Care Product Standards). Suroviny použité v prírodnom spreji proti vodnému kameňu Ulrich sú ľahko biologicky rozložiteľné, a preto veľmi šetrné k životnému prostrediu.

  • Ideálne pre povrchy, ako sú vodovodné batérie, sprchové hlavice, vane, umývadlá, dlaždice alebo sklo
  • S nastaviteľným sprejovým uzáverom na použitie ako sprej
  • Umožňuje čistenie veľkých plôch
  • Rýchla a rovnomerná aplikácia na postihnuté miesta
  • S kyselinou mliečnou, ktorá znižuje usadzovanie vodného kameňa
  • Použitie xantánovej gumy
  • Bez palmovému oleju, bez parfumov, bez farbív, bez optických zjasňovačov, bez enzýmov
  • Vegánsky produkt, NCP certifikovaný

nastriekajte, nechajte krátko pôsobiť, opláchnite vodou alebo utrite. V prípade odolných nečistôt postup zopakujte.

Zloženie podľa nariadenia EÚ 648/2004: < 5 % neiónových povrchovo aktívnych látok

Bezpečnostné varovanie


Obsahuje: kyselina (2S)-2-hydroxypropánová

Spôsobuje vážne poškodenie očí.

Uchovávajte mimo dosahu detí. Nevdychujte prach/dym/plyn/hmlu/pary/aerosóly. Noste ochranné rukavice/ochranný odev/ochranné okuliare/ochranu tváre. PO POŽITÍ: vypláchnite ústa. NEVYVOLÁVAJTE zvracanie. PRI KONTAKTE S POKOŽKOU (alebo vlasmi): Vyzlečte všetky kontaminované časti odevu. Pokožku ihneď opláchnite vodou alebo sprchou. PO ZASIAHNUTÍ OČÍ: Niekoľko minút ich opatrne vyplachujte vodou. Ak používate kontaktné šošovky a je to možné, odstráňte ich. Pokračujte vo vyplachovaní. Okamžite volajte lekára. 

Additional parameters

Category: Washing and cleaning products
Size: 500ml

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Ulrich Natürlich (from German = of course) has been producing cleaning and care products that you can use with a clear conscience for many years. This philosophy gave rise to washing and cleaning agents, descaling agents, and products for treating textiles, leather and wood.

Environmentally friendly even with household chores
Ulrich Natürlich cleaning and care products are highly concentrated, economical and particularly effective. They are made from the highest quality renewable raw materials, do not contain phosphates, petroleum surfactants, optical brighteners, fragrances and dyes, preservatives, aggressive acids, chlorine or ammonia and are biodegradable. In addition, the cleaning and care products comply with the guidelines of the German Association for Animal Welfare. This means that the products have as little impact on the environment as possible and are gentle on the skin at the same time.
The products can be combined with each other, so you can, for example, choose different scents and also increase the effectiveness of the products in a targeted manner.

Ulrich Natürlich also continuously and actively works on the issue of packaging. The products are currently offered primarily in polyethylene packaging, which is refillable. The company thus contributes to the prevention of waste.

By concentrating and avoiding artificial fillers and extenders (i.e. dilution), Ulrich Natürlich products help save packaging costs and energy – an advantage that you also benefit from!